You Never Know

It’s been a while since I’ve posted on this website. There’s a good reason, but I’m not going to tell you about that now. You’ll just have to stay tuned.

We sleep in on Sunday. It’s just what we do. I’m not good if my technology gets too far from me, so I keep a Kindle and an iPad by the bed. I occasionally have trouble sleeping and I need a digital sleeping pill. Whatever.

This morning at a little after 4 A.M. I woke up feeling like I had been asleep for two days. I hadn’t. We spent the day with dear friends floating around in their pool and drinking citron vodka. Sadly, I didn’t feel the after-effects of the vodka, but rather the need to check in and see what was going on in my unpredictable world. An unexpected surprise greeted me.

Let me digress for just a moment. As most of you know, I spent almost five years at Apple. I absolutely loved the job, but eventually grew tired of the demands of retail hours. Without question, my favorite part of those years was the people I met and the interactions (that’s a big Apple word) we had.

Back to my story. While checking my email, I had only one…a “hello” from a former student of mine at Apple. I haven’t seen this person in almost three years, but she did leave a lasting impression. As an essential part of the internal culture, Apple stresses how elements of the human condition integrate with technology. In a training environment full of boobs and dick-pics (people take pictures of pretty much everything) we, as trainers, sometimes had the chance to feel like we were spectators in the lives of our customers. The author of this email was an exceptional case. She was in an abusive marriage with an IT executive who used his computer knowledge to manipulate and control her. She came to the store with a sense of hopelessness…she needed to complete an online form in order to obtain a restraining order and had absolutely no idea how to do it. Her ultimate plan was to file for divorce, and we became part of the plan.

We were always taught not to judge, but instead to use our best judgement in addressing  the customer’s issues. This case was pretty far out of the ordinary. Several of the morning trainers (she usually only came in early before the store opened) got to know her, and continued to provide assistance, even though it felt like we were participating in her incredible secret. She eventually got through the divorce and, through some sort of universal intervention, met a wonderful man. It feels voyeuristic to be so involved in a customer’s personal life, but apparently we were positioned in such a way…intentionally or not.

This is the email she sent me. She drastically overstates my technological abilities, but that’s not the point.

Dear Rosemary with the Beautiful Name,

Earlier today, I ran into one of the former Apple instructors I was so fortunate to know, and learn from at our local store. Of course, you were the best – so compassionate, wise, creative and technologically brilliant. Also, the smartest to leave when company policies changed.

Hope all is well with you, your family, business, and  life. Still racing around in your Mini Cooper?

Can you believe I have been married to Richard for over 2 years? God, I love to be spoiled! We are good companions, love to travel, and ready for a new adventure…maybe time to pick up and leave the area.

Please stay well, stay in touch, and maybe we could meet for a strawberry martini. You were an excellent influence in my life.

Warm regards,

(name withheld by me.)

Make a difference. Sometimes you get a chance to realize the impact.
